Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there a time limit on your rentals?

    No! We operate our vehicles 24 hours a day. If your rental goes over your paid for time you simply owe the overage to your driver at the end of the trip. You will pay your agreed upon hourly rate, but we break it down into fifteen minute increments, so if you are a half hour over you will only need to pay half of your hourly rate to the driver.

  • Can I smoke cigarettes?

    There is to be no smoking of any sort on our vehicles. Simply ask your driver to pull over for a pit stop, you get unlimited stops when you ride with us.

  • Are your vehicles safe?

    Of course they are! They're maintained by certified mechanics before and after every trip to make sure they are ready for their next trip.

  • Are you going to charge me for fuel at the last minute?

    Absolutely not. We are up front about everything you pay for, and fuel is included in your total price. We don't sneak extra fees into your reservation, it's covered when you make your reservation.

  • Can we drink alcohol on the buses?

    You can bring as much alcohol as you want. We cannot provide you with alcohol. Our vehicles have coolers in them, stocked with ice. If there are those who are going to be under 21 years age, there cannot be any alcohol by state law.

  • So, can children come?

    We don't have any age restrictions. Just know that the seats are wrap around and not forward facing and they also don't have seat belts. Like stated above, if there's someone who is under 21 years of age, there cannot any alcohol on the vehicle.

  • Can I cancel my reservation?

    Once you have paid your deposit, you cannot cancel your reservation. It's a promise between us and you that you'll get service when you need it. You cannot change the date of the reservation. Depending on availability, you might be able to move the time of your reservation, earlier or later and you might be able to upgrade or downgrade your vehicle.

  • Any hidden fees I should know about?

    There is nothing to hide from you. You will know of all the up front costs and fees. The only thing you might come across is an extensive cleaning fee or a damage fee. We tell you everything you need to know.

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